Changes to: Q&A and ACES launch date now 2025. Links updated on Reasons why Einstein was wrong. Site last updated 11 June 2024






Wisp theory explains the fundamental principles of physics in a unique way, and is the starting point for the theory of everything, TOE. It answers the big questions: What causes gravity? What is matter? And how matter gets its mass. It explains the big bang, inflation, dark matter, the structure of black holes and fundamental particles. Wisp theory predicted supermassive black holes would be produced at the start of the big bang, and recent findings by the James Webb telescope support this.

It shows Einstein's special theory of relativity to be false. And gives clear reasons why the speed of light is not constant for all observers. A simple one-way speed of light test will prove Einstein wrong. See one-way light speed experiments. New evidence suggests an ether medium - wisp space - is responsible for the propagation of light.

Soon clocks 100 times more accurate will be placed in orbit - Atomic Clock Ensemble in Space (ACES) - and be capable of testing the one-way speed of light to check if Einstein was right. Relativity will fall when ground and space clocks fail to agree times, due to earth's motion through ether affecting their time signals.

Wisp theory also predicts atomic clocks experience sidereal period fluctuations in time as the earth rotates in the ether wind, measuring +/- 0.7nS at the equator and zero at the poles. Although the effect is not accumulative, improvements in world timekeeping will soon detect this - an effect relativity cannot explain. See Hafele-Keating experiment.

Our obsession with Einstein has taken physics off-course for over 100-years, giving us theories that defy commonsense. Wisp theory proves all of special relativity's predictions can be embedded in an ether model, which has practical value and complies with commonsense. Universities must now replace relativity with new ether theories.

Kevin Harkess BSc (Hons)


ACES - The end of Relativity (2026)

Atomic Clock Ensemble in Space (ACES) is project that will put the most accurate clocks built into space in 2025.

Two ultra-stable ACES clocks - PHARAO and SHM - will work in unison onboard the International Space Station (ISS) to compare to ground-based atomic clocks through a microwave network link.

Comparing atomic clocks - space-to-ground

Einstein's special relativity will fail when ACES tests compare space and ground clocks continuously during several station passes. ACES will be the first accurate oneway light speed test, which will show light's oneway speed is affected by the earth's motion through ether.



Free wisp unification theory eBook download

First published 2003 in paperback and eBook CD-ROM format, and 2nd edition 2011 is free to download by clicking on the image below

CD-ROM eBook ISBN 0954369408

I promise to inform you if wisp theory is wrong.

It is the best theory to replace special relativity, which has now failed.


I found in general such sites ban anti-relativity posts, such as:


One-way speed of light experiment

The proposed one-way experiment will prove special relativity false, and the clocks do not need synchronizing.

This is a simple experiment, and it has never been done!

Wisp's experiment is similar an electrical one carried out by Roland DeWitte in 1991, which proved the ether wind exists, but his findings have been ignored.

In April 2006 Navia and Augusto reported results on a "one-way light path" laser diffraction experiment that proved the speed of light is affected by the Earth's motion (370km/s) with respect to the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR).



China - first cold atomic clock in space completes its mission

The world's first atomic clock in space was launched in Sep 2016. The cold atomic clock (CAC) has been running in space for several years and has passed all tests in the Tiangong-2 space lab. The results were published in the journal Nature Communication on 24 July 2018.



Copyright © Kevin Harkess 2002 - 2024. All rights reserved. Harkess Research. ISBN 0954369416 (paperback) 0954369408 (eBook).