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Index A-Z
aberration, stellar, 100101
absolute frames, 35, 76, 127130, 132, 151154
> local absolute frames, 35
absolute measurements, 80
> in stationary and moving frame S, 8384
> in moving frame S, 85
> of lights relative speed, 82, 86
> of lights speed, 76
absolute simultaneity of events, 82, 105107
absolute space, 102
absolute time, 2, 102
accelerating subatomic particles, 109
age of the universe, 161, 164
Anderson, John, 64
antimatter, 18, 163
antiwisp, 26
atomic clock, 8, 80
atoms, 1
automata, 24, 27
background radiation, cosmic, 164
bending of light, 42, 59
big bang, 18, 161, 165
> evidence for, 164165
> ultra-supermassive black hole, 163, 166167
> wisp big bang theory, 164
big crunch, 167
black-body radiation, 3
black holes, 161163
> and general relativity, 161
> centre of a black hole, 163
> small,163
> supermassive, 163, 166
> ultra-supermassive, 161, 163164, 167
> what are they? 161
Boeing, 6263
bosons, 56
Bradley, James, 100
Cantor, Georg, 21
> atomic, 8, 80
> body, 81
> light-pulse, 89
> mechanical/biological, 9495
> run slow, 78
COBE, 164
collisions, 2728, 151154
conservation of charge, 159160
> created or destroyed, 159
> quarks in pairs, 160
conservation of momentum, 151154
conservative field, 45
coordinate transformations, see wisp transformations
cosmic microwave background radiation, 164
cosmological principle, 161
curvature, 49, 50
> measurement of the arc of a circle, 49
> of spacetime, 4143
> of wisp space, 26, 39, 4349, 52, 5556
dark matter, 167
de Broglie waves, 32
de Broglie, Louis, 32
decelerating subatomic particles, 111
Democritus, 1
Descartes, René, 29
dilation and gamma factors, 7980, 89
> force, 80, 91
> jiggle, 80, 9293
> time, 8, 80
> general gamma factor equation, 90
> in light-pulse clock, 89
Dirac, Paul, 3, 18
Doppler effect of light, 137,
> approaching observer, 144
> approaching source, 145
> general motion: observer and source moving, 147
> approaching a stationary source, 146
> receding from a stationary source, 142143
> source moving and observer stationary, 146
> testing a moving observers transverse Doppler effect, 143
> transverse moving source, 140
> transverse experiments, 141
> transverse observer motion, 139
> transverse source motion, 141
> wisps general Doppler equation, 148
Doppler effect, sound, 137
Doppler effect, water waves, 137
E=mc^2, 4, 108, 155157
> derivation of formula, 156
> absolute and relative times, 125
> mass, 40
> speed through wisp space, 148, 170
Eddington, Arthur, 42
Einstein, Albert, 4, 7 8, 33, 39, 4143, 59, 67, 75, 82, 90,
elastic collision, 151154
> charge 17, 26, 29, 6970, 72
>> asymmetry/twist, 17, 6970, 159
>> created or destroyed, 159
>> quarks in pairs, 160
> field, 127
> force, 3940, 69
electrodynamics of moving bodies, 127
electromagnetic force, 3940, 6972, 129133
> force measurements in different frames, 129
> in absolute frame S, 129
> in moving frame S, 130
> on a wire moving through wisp space, 133
electromagnetic waves, 29, 3132, 7273
emptiness, xiii, 14, 2526, 28, 30, 52
energy: kinetic, rest, total, 105157
energy into mass, 158
EPR paradox, 33
equivalence of mass and energy, 155159
equivalence principle, 41, 59
ether, xiii, 89, 2526, 2930, 50, 100, 129, 137
> demise of, 8, 30, 79, 98
> early theories, 2930
>> Descartes, 29
>> Maxwell, 29
>> Thomson, 30
> insufficient proof, 30
> re-established, 135
> wisp space, xiii, 9
ether drag, 98
events, 7, 82
> absolute simultaneity, 82, 105
> simultaneity, 7
> in special relativity, 82
expansion of wisp space, 164165, 167
face-centred cubic lattice, 1415
faster than light, 31, 33, 55, 164165
Fermilab, 18
fermions, 56
Feynman, Richard, 4
Fizeau, Armand, 101, 177
Fizeaus experiment, 101, 177
flat space, 14, 16, 25, 44
flat wisp space, 45, 4748
force transmits through a medium, xiii, 11, 2930
force-device in absolute frame S, 115
force-device moving in frame S, 117
force-device with respect to frame S, 121
forces on accelerating particles, 110
four-dimensional space, 49
fourier series, 34
fractals, xiii, 3, 19, 2124, see also matter-fractals
> binary tree, 2324
> cantor dust, 2122
> geometric series, 21, 24
> limit process, 2124
Fresnel, Augustin, 101, 177
full space, 25
fundamental particles, 4, 5, see also matter-fractals
> fields, 3
> wisps, xiii, 26
galaxy formation, 166
> zero-state space fragments, 166
galilean relativity, 102103
Gell-Mann, Murray, 18
general theory of relativity 7, 40 43, 62, 6667
> tests for, 42
geodesic lines, 41
gravitation, 7, 9, 11, 15, 18, 2526, 30, 3953, 61, 64
> the cause of, 11, 26, 39, 4353, 64
>> Einsteins views, 39, 41, 67
>> Newtons views, 39,50, 67
>> quantum theory and string theory, 42
>> wisp theory, 5053
> deceleration force, 6466
> propulsion devices, 62
> weakest force, 39
gravitational acceleration, 55
gravitational and inertial mass, 41
gravitational constant:
> Newtons, 40
> wisps, 57
gravitational waves, 32
gravitons, 9, 11, 4243, 64
Gravity Probe B, 66
Green, Michael, 6
Gross, David, 6
Guth, Alan, 165
Hawking radiation, 163
Hawking, Stephen, 163
Higgs boson, 4
Hookes law, 47
Hubble constant, 165
Hubble, Edwin, 165
illusion effect of light, 91, 103, 106
incompatible theories:
> general relativity, 89
> quantum theory, 89
inelastic collision, 158159
inflation, 165
Institute of Physics, 60
intermediate-state space, 26
invariance of distance, 105
inverse square law, 43, 4749
> model of, 4749
inverse transformations, see wisp transformations
jets, 162
jiggle, 9194, 80, 98
joining of space and time, 4243
Kennedy, Roy, 100
Kennedy-Thorndike experiment, 100
Kepler, Johannes, 14
Kepler conjecture, 14
kinetic energy, 155, 157158
Koczor, Ron, 62
Kundig, Walter, 141
leptons, 5, 26
Leucippus, 1
light, 7274
> absolute speed of, 124
> bending, 42, 59
> clock, 89
> in moving water, 101, appendix B
> speed differs from c, 75, 82, 88, 99
> zero rest mass, 74, 93
linear momentum, conservation of, 151154
longitudinal gravitational waves, 33
longitudinal pressure waves, 55
> ten times the speed of light, 55
longitudinal shock waves, 164
longitudinal waves, 3133
Lorentz force law, 127, 129
Lorentz, Hendrik, 7, 75, 82
Lorentz-FitzGerald contraction, 100, 105
luminiferous ether, 96, see also ether
magnetic field, 127
magnetic force, 6972
magnetism, 26, 29
Mandelbrot, Benoit, 21
mass, 4, 24, 2627, 41
> gravitational, 41
> inertial, 41
> invariance, 108
> relativistic, 4, 78, 108-111,
> what is it?, xiii, 27
massenergy, equivalence, 4, 155
matter, 16
> perception of, xiii, 2, 25
> wavelike nature, 3, 34
matter-fractals, 21, 24, 2628, 3436, 4445, 52, 5657,
> fundamental particles, 21, 24
> mass of, 2627, 57, 59
> motion through wisp space, 2628, 3435
> stability of, 2728
> zero-state spheres, 15,17, 2628
>> size of, 159
Maxwell, James Clerk, 29, 75
> absolute and relative, 80
> in an absolute frame, 83
> relative, 81
measuring the speed of light without mirrors, test, 99
meteors, 55
> shock waves, 33, 55
Michelson interferometer, 96
Michelson-Morley experiment, 8, 30, 75, 79, 92, 96, 9899
> conservation of, 151154
> classical formula for, 153
> linear, relativistic formula for, 112
muon, 5, 8
M-Theory, 7
Nambu, Yoichiro, 6
NASA, 6264, 66, 164
Neeman, Yuval, 18
New Scientist, 62
Newton, Sir Isaac, xiii, 2, 9, 3940, 4243, 47, 50, 51, 67
> law of gravitation 40 41, 47, 64
> laws of motion 3637
Nielsen, Holger, 6
nuclear spring potential energy (rest energy), 155
nuclear binding force, 24, 26, 36, 47, 52
> gap, 26, 44, 49
nuclear force, strong and weak, 39, 47
one-state space, 14, 25, 26, 28, 36, 45
one-way light speed test, 99, 108
Open University, 12
particle accelerator forces, 109114
particles of nothingness, 28
photon, see light
Pioneers orbital discrepancies, 64
Planck, Max, 3
Podkletnov, Eugene, 60, 67
Podkletnovs experiments, 60
> apparatus, 62
> gravity shielding, 60
> impulse beam, 62, 63
> shielding device 61
Podolsky, Boris 33
precession of Mercury, 42, 66
> gases and liquids, 55
> curved wisp space, 5557, 64
> expanding wisp space, 165, 167
principle of equivalence, 41, 59
principle of least action, 27, 48
principle of relativity, 76
principle of superposition, 44
quantum and superstring theories, 42
quantum entanglement, 33
quantum gravitational effects, 64
quantum gravity, not necessary, 64
quantum mechanics, 3, 33, 34
quantum theory, 3, 7, 10, 33, 42, 64
quantum field theory, 3
quantum mechanics, 3, 8, 64
quantum waves, 26, 28, 31, 32, 36, 92
quarks, 5, 18, 26
quasars, 162
quasi-mass, 108111, 155
radial compression vector pressure, 55
redshift, 165
relativistic kinetic energy, 155157
relativistic mass increase: quasi-mass, 78, 108111,
relativity, see:
> general theory of relativity
> special theory of relativity
> wisp relativity
rest energy, 155, 157
Rosen, Nathan, 33
rotating wisp space, 6162, 67, 166
> additional gravitational effects, 67
rule for time flow in all material bodies is, 94
rules for time dilation compensation, 119, 122
Schrödinger, Erwin, 3
Schwarz, John, 6
simple harmonic motion (SHM) device, 94
> SHM clocks, 94
simultaneity, 7
singularity, 163
space, 1
space and time:
> Einsteins, 79, 41
> Newtons, 102
> string theorys, 7
> not joined, 9, 43, 76
space is absolute, 105
special theory of relativity, 7, 8, 10, 30, 33, 69, 75, 89, 127, 129,
> and electromagnetic force, 127135
> and mass, 4, 78
> counter to common sense, 7, 77
> no direct evidence, 78
> paradoxes, 79
> postulates, 76
> principle of, 76
> and time, see time dilation
speed of light, 78, 79, 82, 124
> greater than light, 147
> one-way, 78
> speed differs from c, 75, 82, 88, 99
> varies depending on the angle, 86
> in moving water, 101, appendix B
> measurements, 100
spherical sphere packing, 1416
spooky action at a distance, 33
standard model, 4, 5, 42
star speeds in rotating galaxies, 166
> increased gravitational pull, 166
> wisp space rotation, 166
Stokes, George, 98
string theories, 6, 7, 10
strong and weak nuclear forces, 39
strong wisp binding force, 2427, 36, 44, 45, 47, 52
> matter-fractal binding, 24, 26, 36, 44, 47, 52, 65
superstring theory, 6
supersymmetry theory, 6
Susskind, Leonard, 6
symmetry, 1319, 28
> asymmetry, 18
> bilateral symmetry, 16
> circular, 13, 16, 18, 45, 48
> cube, 14
> equilateral triangle, 13
> sphere, 14
> transformations, 13
symmetry-breaking, 1617, 45
Tampere University of Technology, 60
tension and compression forces, 4547
theory foundations, 9-12
> Newton, 910
> quantum theory, 10
> relativity, 10
> string theory, 10
> wisp theory, 11
Thomson, J.J, 30
Thorndike, Richard, 100
time, 1, 89
> unit of time (second), 8
time dilation, 8, 75, 94, 102
> compensation, 81
> defined as, 89
> derived formula for, 8991
> muons, 8
time dilation: mechanical/biological clocks, 94
top quark, 159
> mass of, 159
total energy, 156157
transverse Doppler effect, see Doppler effect of light
transverse force, 37, 79
> speed of, 37
transverse waves, 26, 3132, 34, 36, 92
unification, attempts at, 6, 89, 42
Veneziano, Gabriele, 6
vortex rings, 30
wave functions, 34
wave packet, 34
waves in wisp space:
> faster than light, 33
> longitudinal, 3132
> matter-fractals, 3, 3133
> quantum, 26, 28, 3132, 34, 36
> transverse, 3132
Wess, Julius, 6
wisp transformations:
> acceleration transformations, 111, 113115
> coordinate and frame velocity transformations, 102
> frame velocity transformation, 103
wisp relativity, postulates of, 7980
wisp space rotation, 6162, 67, 166
wisp theory of gravitation, 4353
> shadows, 52
wisp versus special relativity tests, 99, appendix A
Witten, Edward, 7
zero-state space, 15, 17, 26, 28, 30, 34, 39, 43, 52
zero-state space shock waves, 5354
zero-state sphere, 26, 52, 57
> spheres radius, 2627
Zimino, Bruno, 6
Zweig, George, 18